Friday 29 November 2013

What will I major in?

The most challenging question after I enter in university was that which major I should choose. For me, which major I chose, I would engage in related job. Therefore, this made the question be more complicated and I needed to think more deeply and all rounded. Although I was an engineering student, I know that I had chance to choose the major in other areas.


Choosing the major in other area, majoring in social work was one of the considerations. From secondary school, I was a member of Red Cross and member of a volunteer group in a charity. Through these experiences, my characteristics had changed a lots and I want to help the people. This inspired me to become a social worker and chose it be the major. I became outgoing and learned how to communicate with different people. Many people around me said that I was suitable for being a social worker because of outgoing and helpful characteristics. However, I discovered that social worker was not suitable for me. Social worker was a job needed to face many people. I did not have problem on communication with other people but I still a little bit introverted that when I faced people, I sometimes felt nervous. In addition, social work needed to be talkative and having skills when talking with the others. I felt difficulties to talk skillfully that I needed to think for a while and afraid of saying something wrong. Therefore, I would not choose social work be the major.


In my senior secondary school, I studied Chemistry as one of my elective subject. I interested in Chemistry afterward. I thought knowing the components of the matters and the chemical reactions related to our daily life were fascinating. I could know more about the things in daily life but those things were not always discussed. I would like to in a major which I am interested in. Applied Chemistry was the major that I wanted in. Applied Chemistry was the subject about chemistry and there was different area of chemistry such as organic chemistry and analytical chemistry which I wanted to have further study on them.


In addition, I had experience to work in laboratory where underwent the experiments about analytical chemistry. Apart from the interest, this experience helped me to discover that I had the ability and was suitable to working in the laboratory. I was careful and patience enough in handling the chemical and waiting for results. I was a person who liked to follow the instructions or procedures. I felt comfortable during doing the experiments in laboratory because I did not need to face may people and needed many skills on communications. I wanted to be a laboratory technician that working in laboratory to undergo the experiments for analyzing the matter. Applied Chemistry was the subject that was more suitable for me to choose as I wanted to be laboratory technician. The subject included analytical chemistry which was mostly related to the laboratory work. Through studying in applied chemistry, I also could learn more laboratory skills. Then, this could help me to become a laboratory technician in the future.


Applied chemistry was the major that I wanted in and matching with my interest and personalities. If I want to study applied chemistry, I will do my best in order to fight for a place to transition to the Science collage. Furthermore, as I am an engineering student, I would also like to discover myself more on the engineering aspect in this year in order to knowing myself more and make the best decision for my future.


602 words

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