Friday 29 November 2013

Legislation on light pollution

Hong Kong is famous for the lighting view, the colourful and bright lightings along the streets have become a characteristic in Hong Kong. However, behind the beautiful scenery, the lightings have threatened our life and environment, causing light pollution. Light pollution means that the artificial outdoor lightings were used excessively. Hong Kong government should legislate on regulating the light pollution.[1] (Hong Kong Night Sky Brightness Monitoring Network(NSN), n.d.)


The light pollution in Hong Kong is very serious so it should be regulated. According to a research, Hong Kong urban night sky was 100 to 1000 times brighter than the international dark sky standard. Hong Kong has become one of the most light-polluted cities in the world.[2] (The University of Hong Kong, 2013)


The other reasons for regulation are about the harmful effects of light pollution on environment, economic and living things.


On environment aspect, the direct effect was that the number of visible stars have decreased because the light in urban area is too bright which cover the stars.[3] (Dr Chun Shing Jason Pun, Mr Chu Wing So, 2007) In addition, excessive lightings lead to more energy is used. This will intensify the global warming due to more emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide.[4] (International Astronomical Union, n.d.)


The effects on economic are correlated to the environmental effects. More energy used which means the expenditure spending on lightings is higher.[5] (International Astronomical Union, n.d.) When the lightings still turn on at mid-night, the lightings for advertising are ineffective because no one is on the street. This is wastage of money. Furthermore, when the global warming is intensified, higher expenditure is needed for easing the global warming.


There are adverse effects of light pollution on living things which divided into two types, animals and human.


For animals, the excessive lightings affect the physiological cycles and the movements of animals. For example, to the birds migrate at night, the lightings will misleading their orientations of migration. The birds become trapped in the lighted areas. The bright night also affect the animals exercise at night such as frog, the high lighting intensity will cause the blind of the animals.[6] (Hong Kong Night Sky Brightness Monitoring Network(NSN), n.d.)


People need to bear risk on physical and psychological health problem in the long term because of light pollution. The sleeping quality is affected and people would suffer from headache, increasing in stress and anxiety. [7] (Hong Kong Night Sky Brightness Monitoring Network(NSN), n.d.) The influence of light pollution to human can be reflected by the data from the Task force on External lighting, set by the Environment Bureau of HKSARG. There were around 200 cases per year of complaints on external lighting form 2009 to 2012. The major concern of complaints in 2012 was light nuisance.[8] (Task Force on External Lighting, 2012) The situation have no improvement.


The influences of light pollution on environment, economic and human will become more serious unless the government legislate to regulate the pollution. What measures should the government take?




The Task force on External lighting suggested a method to regulate the external lightings to ease light pollution. The artificial lightings should be turned off at the specific time. The most suitable time is at 12a.m. The appointed time for some areas is different. For the areas where most of the business activities keep continuous after the designate time such as Mong Kok, the appointed time will be later. The signboards of the shops on the ground floor which work until midnight can have exemption. For upstairs’ shops the signboards cannot be exempted as the lightings are close to residents. However, the upstairs’ shops can put their signboards near the building exits in order to attract customers at mid-night.[9] (TVB, 2013)


On top of this method, the government should set the standard for the intensity for the artificial lightings. The intensity should be regulated to a lower level. There is no standard for the intensity for the lighting and most of the lightings are too bright that make people’s eyes feel uncomfortable when walking along the street. Setting the standard could not affect human’s eyes as well as reduce the negative impacts on the environment.


Some people against for the legislation on external lightings because there are disadvantages after legislation. Tourism will be affected because Hong Kong is popular for the lighting view at night. If external lightings are forced to turn off, this will lower the attraction of Hong Kong. In addition, the legislation also affect some of the business such as the shops working till the mid-night and upstairs’ shops. It is difficult for them to be noticed to the customers that they still working.[10] (TVB, 2013)


The legislation only bring low degree of disadvantages to Hong Kong. In tourism, the lighting views before 12 a.m. would not affected as the lightings can be still turned on. Tourists could still appreciate wonderful night views. Furthermore, fewer people would walk along the street at mid-night so the impact is low. Furthermore, some tourists said that they were confused by the excessive artificial lightings in the urban areas when staying on streets for long period of time as the lightings were too bright to them.[11] (TVB, 2013) Lower the intensity of lightings could tackle this problem. The lightings would not be too bright to make people feel more comfortable. Moreover, the legislation would not affect the tourism as well as improving the tourism in Hong Kong. Since the awareness on protecting the environment of people have increased, legislation could develop the positive image that Hong Kong would take the responsibility to improve the environment. People would like to come to a more environmental friendly city.


For those businesses, the exemption of the measures could ease the problems faced by them. The exemption allowed the shops to keep the external lightings on and the artificial lightings of upstairs’ shops could be put near the main exits of the buildings. People can notice that the shops are still working and will not affect their business.


To conclude, light pollution influence our living environment and living standard as well as the light pollution in Hong Kong is highly seriousness. It is necessary and the time for the government to legislate on regulating the light pollution in order to bear the responsibilities to help the environment and change Hong Kong into an environmental friendly city.


(1002 words)

[1] Hong Kong Night Sky Brightness Monitoring Network(NSN). (n.d.). What is Light Pollution? Retrieved from Hong Kong Night Sky Brightness Monitoring Network(NSN):
[2] The University of Hong Kong. (2013, 5 19). The largest ever database on night sky brightness HK urban night sky can be 1,000 times brighter than the darkest standard. Retrieved from The University of Hong Kong:
[3] Dr Chun Shing Jason Pun, Mr Chu Wing So. (2007). Report of A Survey of Light Pollution in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Department of Physics, The University of Hong Kong.
[4] International Astronomical Union. (n.d.). The Environmental Cost. Retrieved from International Astronomical Union:
[5] International Astronomical Union. (n.d.). The Economic Cost of light pollution. Retrieved from International Astronomical Union:
[6] Hong Kong Night Sky Brightness Monitoring Network(NSN). (n.d.). Adverse Effects of Light Pollution on the Environment and on Human. Retrieved from Hong Kong Night Sky Brightness Monitoring Network(NSN):
[7] Hong Kong Night Sky Brightness Monitoring Network(NSN). (n.d.). Adverse Effects of Light Pollution on the Environment and on Human. Retrieved from Hong Kong Night Sky Brightness Monitoring Network(NSN):
[8] Task Force on External Lighting. (2012). Document for Engaging Stakeholders and the Public. Hong Kong: the Environment Bureau of HKSARG.
[9] TVB. (2013, 8 12). Light Pollution . Retrieved from TVB iNews :
[10] TVB. (2013, 8 12). Light Pollution . Retrieved from TVB iNews :
[11] TVB. (2013, 8 12). Light Pollution . Retrieved from TVB iNews :

Infographic : Light Pollution

What will I major in?

The most challenging question after I enter in university was that which major I should choose. For me, which major I chose, I would engage in related job. Therefore, this made the question be more complicated and I needed to think more deeply and all rounded. Although I was an engineering student, I know that I had chance to choose the major in other areas.


Choosing the major in other area, majoring in social work was one of the considerations. From secondary school, I was a member of Red Cross and member of a volunteer group in a charity. Through these experiences, my characteristics had changed a lots and I want to help the people. This inspired me to become a social worker and chose it be the major. I became outgoing and learned how to communicate with different people. Many people around me said that I was suitable for being a social worker because of outgoing and helpful characteristics. However, I discovered that social worker was not suitable for me. Social worker was a job needed to face many people. I did not have problem on communication with other people but I still a little bit introverted that when I faced people, I sometimes felt nervous. In addition, social work needed to be talkative and having skills when talking with the others. I felt difficulties to talk skillfully that I needed to think for a while and afraid of saying something wrong. Therefore, I would not choose social work be the major.


In my senior secondary school, I studied Chemistry as one of my elective subject. I interested in Chemistry afterward. I thought knowing the components of the matters and the chemical reactions related to our daily life were fascinating. I could know more about the things in daily life but those things were not always discussed. I would like to in a major which I am interested in. Applied Chemistry was the major that I wanted in. Applied Chemistry was the subject about chemistry and there was different area of chemistry such as organic chemistry and analytical chemistry which I wanted to have further study on them.


In addition, I had experience to work in laboratory where underwent the experiments about analytical chemistry. Apart from the interest, this experience helped me to discover that I had the ability and was suitable to working in the laboratory. I was careful and patience enough in handling the chemical and waiting for results. I was a person who liked to follow the instructions or procedures. I felt comfortable during doing the experiments in laboratory because I did not need to face may people and needed many skills on communications. I wanted to be a laboratory technician that working in laboratory to undergo the experiments for analyzing the matter. Applied Chemistry was the subject that was more suitable for me to choose as I wanted to be laboratory technician. The subject included analytical chemistry which was mostly related to the laboratory work. Through studying in applied chemistry, I also could learn more laboratory skills. Then, this could help me to become a laboratory technician in the future.


Applied chemistry was the major that I wanted in and matching with my interest and personalities. If I want to study applied chemistry, I will do my best in order to fight for a place to transition to the Science collage. Furthermore, as I am an engineering student, I would also like to discover myself more on the engineering aspect in this year in order to knowing myself more and make the best decision for my future.


602 words

Saturday 28 September 2013

Roller Coaster ---- Runaway Mine Ears

“Where am I? Where are my friends? ” I asked after buying a cool drink from a food stall. I heard many people screamed at the same time due to fear. Meanwhile, there was a death train passing through under the bridge in an extremely high speed.
I am in the Grizzly Gulch in Hong Kong Disneyland and my friends are on the Runaway Mine Ears which is the new roller coaster. I was as usual standing near the balustrade to be an outsider because I am afraid of death train. I thought my heart would cave in if I travelled by this horrible train.

There was a part of outdoor railway. Near the railway, there were the rocks in light brown and fountains were set between the rocks. When the train passed through the bridge where I was standing, my ears nearly got hurt. The screaming sound liked the explosion of the bombs.

‘Let’s play together!’ suddenly someone gripped my hand and run into the entrance of Runaway Mine Ears. My brain seems to be out of control. I just followed my friend to walk along the long corridor. There were some cases which were a bear shouting and a working office and some notices about working in a mining area along the corridor.

The next thing I could remember was that I was stepping into the roller coaster. The roller coaster is a chain of mine cars in brown. At the first car of the roller coaster, there was a picture which has a cartoon bear with a big smile on it to represent Grizzly Gulch. That bear was looking and laughing at me. When I seated on the Runaway mine Ears, I felt as if my heart was going to jump out from my body and I thought my face look pale. The brown and thick safety belt was pushed down. My hands were too short that I could not grab the handle setting behind the precious seat. I grabbed the safety belt tightly and my hands turn white. ‘Hope you enjoy the adventure!’ the roller coaster started moving. My first adventure on a roller coaster started.

The Runaway Mine Ears started at a gentle speed. First, it turned a corner at a low speed. My tears were full in my eyes at this corner and I close my eyes. Then, the speed began to be faster and faster. When I felt the roller coaster went up to the top of the small mountain slowly with the cracking sounds of the car. I opened my eyes and saw there were some wooden boxes and some bears were mining. Suddenly, the train went back at a very high speed. I screamed out loud but with a smile on my face. The train became a leopard hunting for preys. The hungry leopard wanted to throw me out of the train but I tried to loosen my hands on the handle and put up my hand into the air. The wind slapped my face and hands harshly but fantastic. The heavy stones in my mind were moved out by the strong speed. I come into the dark tunnels and stopped. There was a bear pushed the boxes and counted down from ten. The roller coaster runs again in an extremely high speed. It came to the outdoor part where I saw before. However, the views were different. The sky was more beautiful and the water from the fountains became diamond in the sunshine. I became a flying bird. The roller coaster finally back to the station.

When I took off from the Runaway Mine Ears, I get goose bumps all over; the hairs were disorder, walking like the drunks and with a crazy smile. I looked at the other passengers faces, their face were full with smiles and excitement. Then, I gripped my friend’s hand and run to the Runaway Mine Ears entrance again.

Words: 654